精彩紛呈的一月! Patreon 進度報告 A Vibrant January! Patreon Update of 2025.01
哈囉各位 Patron!歡迎來到本月的 Patreon 進度報告!一月真是個 whirlwind,充滿了令人興奮的活動和計畫,再加上農曆新年的到來,更是熱鬧非凡!這就像朝著一個閃爍不定、卻又近在咫尺的目標前進,充滿了挑戰和期待!
Hello Patrons! Welcome to this month’s Patreon progress report! January was truly a whirlwind, filled with exciting activities and projects, and the arrival of the Lunar New Year made it even more festive! It feels like moving towards a shimmering, yet elusive goal, full of challenges and anticipation!
Encounter with Contact Improvisation
1月5日,我和朋友一同前往台灣著名的即興舞團 – 古舞團,參加他們每月兩次的 Jam。這個活動旨在讓大家釋放自我,全然感受身體的感官訊息,隨著音樂自由舞動。雖然不是正式的教學,但我幸運地與知名舞蹈家朱星朗老師交流,汲取了一些即興舞蹈的精髓。老師說,其實生活本身就是一場即興演出,而舞蹈則加入了與他人的互動、更敏銳的感知和技巧。這是我第一次接觸接觸即興,雖然仍在摸索階段,但我相信未來會有更深刻的體會!
On January 5th, I went with a friend to the monthly Jam session hosted by the renowned Taiwanese contact improvisation dance troupe – Ku & Dancers. This event aims to let everyone unleash themselves, fully experience the sensory messages received by their bodies, and dance freely with the music. Although it wasn’t a formal class, I was fortunate to interact with the well-known dancer Chu Hsing-Lang(朱星朗,Christopher Chu) and learn some of the essence of contact improvisation. The teacher said that life itself is a form of improvisation, and dance adds interaction with others, more sensitive perception, and skills. This was my first experience with contact improvisation, and although I’m still exploring, I believe I will have a deeper understanding in the future!
Photo of me and Christopher
This is a great improvisation clip that I think is pretty good, thanks to a friend for recording!
Speaking Out for Transgender Rights
1月11日,我再次擔任 T&N Party (跨性別與非二元派對) 的 DJ!這次我特別設計了「2025 起飛」的主題,希望能鼓舞跨性別和非二元社群。我為這次的 DJ set 做足了功課,甚至參考我最愛的 DJ – Armin Van Buuren 的風格製作了一段開場音樂,讓不少人驚艷不已!
說真的,這是我有史以來最投入的一次派對,從前一天的設備進場、音樂準備、到特地購買的燈光設備,都花費了大量心力。 三個小時的演出,也讓 Trif Trans Bar 的夥伴們忙得不可開交。可惜的是,最後小費箱空空如也,演出費也是我主動爭取才拿到一點點。
On January 11th, I once again served as the DJ for the T&N Party (Transgender & Non-Binary Party)! This time, I specially designed the theme of “Taking Off in 2025” hoping to encourage the transgender and non-binary community. I did a lot of homework for this DJ set, and even referred to the style of my favorite DJ – Armin Van Buuren to create an opening music, which amazed many people!
Pic: Promotion image of the event
2025.01.11 TAKE OFF 3 Hours Live Set – 當天的現場Live Set演出錄音
However, the next day at the same venue, there was another wonderful event!
先前社群的朋友們許願,希望能舉辦一場跨性別女同志與順性別女同志的交流講座,探討彼此之間的誤解和問題。非常感謝「淑女俱樂部」願意與我們共同策劃,並選在我的生日 – 1月12日這天舉辦!當天有許多順性別女同志參與,甚至連知名女同志夜店 Taboo 的店長也到場,為十幾年前 Taboo 發生的跨性別不友善事件道歉,並承諾會加強員工的教育訓練。
Previously, friends in our community had hoped for a forum where transgender lesbians and cisgender lesbians could communicate, exploring misunderstandings and issues between them. I am very grateful to the “Lady’s Club” for their willingness to plan with us, and it was held on my birthday – January 12th! Many cisgender lesbians participated that day, and even the manager of the famous lesbian bar Taboo came to the event, apologized for a transgender-unfriendly incident that happened at Taboo more than ten years ago, and promised to strengthen staff training.
Pic: Promotion image of the event
跨界星期天-女同志真心話大冒險特集(1) The forum video recording ep1 on TransSunday Show (Chinese)
跨界星期天-女同志真心話大冒險特集(2) The forum video recording ep2 on TransSunday Show (Chinese)
講座後的 After Party,可愛的 DJ Hammie 還偷偷安排了生日驚喜,邀請許多朋友一起為我慶生,真是太感動了!
At the After Party after the forum, the lovely DJ Hammie secretly arranged a birthday surprise, inviting many friends to celebrate with me, which was so touching!
Working Hand in Hand with the Lesbian Community
這場活動不僅促進了跨性別女同志和順性別女同志的相互理解,Taboo 也邀請我參加他們 1月18日的 17 週年派對! 一間女同志夜店能經營 17 年,實在太厲害了!
This event not only promoted mutual understanding between transgender lesbians and cisgender lesbians, but Taboo also invited me to their 17th-anniversary party on January 18th! It’s amazing that a lesbian bar can operate for 17 years!
更令人興奮的是,我們將與 Taboo 合作,在 2 月 23 日舉辦一場專屬女同志的派對!我將擔任 DJ,而且這次的主辦單位是 Taboo 和我們的性別不明關懷協會,我們會確保所有表演者都能獲得合理的酬勞。
Even more exciting is that we will be working with Taboo to host a party exclusively for lesbians on February 23rd! I will be the DJ, and this time the organizers are Taboo and our own Gender Unknown Care Association, and we will ensure that all performers receive reasonable compensation.
看來,T&L Party (跨性別與女同志派對) 即將誕生,而且是在真正的夜店場地! 目前我們正緊鑼密鼓地規劃節目內容和邀請表演者,敬請期待!
It seems that the T&L Party (Transgender & Lesbian Party) is about to be born, and in a real nightclub venue! Currently, we are working intensively to plan the program content and invite performers, so stay tuned!
Art Museum Trip with a Photographer
為了汲取更多藝術靈感,1 月 15 日,我和一位來自中國的跨性別男性攝影師,一同前往我鍾愛的台北市立美術館參觀。這位攝影師也為他的跨性別攝影計畫,拍攝了一些我即興創作的照片 (這就是 Patreon banner 更新的原因)。這天過得非常充實,也讓我獲得許多未來創作的靈感!
To draw more artistic inspiration, on January 15th, I went with a transgender male photographer from China to my favorite Taipei Fine Arts Museum. This photographer also took some photos of my improvisational creations for his transgender photography project (this is why the Patreon banner was updated). This day was very fulfilling, and it also gave me a lot of inspiration for future creations!
For me now, artistic nourishment is essential.
持續照顧 Intersex 朋友
Continuing to Care for an Intersex Friend
1 月 17 日,我陪同我們目前協助安置的 Intersex 朋友 Anna 回診,向遺傳科醫生諮詢她的狀況。 Anna 的情況相當複雜,由於涉及個案隱私,我無法透露太多。只能說,性別不明關懷協會持續為她提供安置和協助尋找資源,這方面真的需要大家幫忙轉發相關訊息。
On January 17th, I accompanied Anna, an intersex friend we are currently helping to resettle, for a follow-up visit, consulting with a geneticist about her condition. Anna’s situation is quite complicated, and because it involves personal privacy, I cannot reveal too much. I can only say that the ISTScare continues to provide her with resettlement and assistance in finding resources. This really requires everyone’s help in forwarding relevant information.
Youtube/Podcast 節目持續更新
Youtube/Podcast Programs Continue to Update
我的 Youtube/Podcast 節目「跨界星期天」在本月除了探討跨性別權益,也分享了我的愛情故事和生活點滴。此外,我還開了一個新系列「藝術之徑」,與大家分享我的藝術創作旅程和心得。最近一集,我更勇敢地嘗試訪問了台北知名的即興劇團「勇氣即興」的老師,希望能透過即興表演的精神,為跨性別者帶來陪伴的希望和勇氣。歡迎到我的 Youtube/Podcast 收看或收聽 (節目為中文) 。
My Youtube/Podcast program “TransSunday” this month, in addition to discussing transgender rights, also shared my love story and life anecdotes. In addition, I also started a new series “The Path of Art” to share my artistic journey and insights with everyone. In the recent episode, I bravely tried to interview the teacher of the well-known Taipei improvisational theater troupe “Guts Improv,” hoping to bring hope and courage of companionship to transgender people through the spirit of improvisational performance. Welcome to watch or listen to my Youtube/Podcast (the program is in Chinese).
Taiwan Transgender Museum Project
是的!隨著我的各項藝術創作持續進行,我正式決定啟動「台灣跨性別博物館」計畫!一方面希望能結合台灣在地社群的力量,訴說跨性別者被遺忘的歷史;另一方面,我也已經完成 4-5 個與跨性別相關的互動裝置概念設計,部分裝置已進入製作階段。目前已向台灣 c-lab 當代藝術空間提交計畫申請書,希望能有好消息!
Yes! As my various artistic creations continue, I officially decided to launch the “Taiwan Transgender Museum” project! On the one hand, I hope to combine the power of the local Taiwanese community to tell the forgotten history of transgender people; on the other hand, I have also completed the conceptual design of 4-5 interactive devices related to transgender people, and some devices have entered the production stage. The project application has been submitted to the Taiwan C-Lab Contemporary Art Space, hoping for good news!
Pic:One of the interactive device conceptual design
Is Our Hope Disappearing?
隨著美國局勢的變化,網路上的反跨性別言論持續蔓延,現在 even 在台灣,反對跨性別的聲量也逐漸高漲。除了更努力地活著,我們似乎別無選擇。我也會在之後的 Youtube/Podcast 節目中談談這些議題。
With the changes in the US situation, anti-transgender rhetoric on the internet continues to spread, and now, even in Taiwan, the voices against transgender people are gradually rising. Apart from working harder to live, we seem to have no other choice. I will also talk about these issues in later Youtube/Podcast programs.
The situation in Taiwan is not much better. The chaos in the Legislative Yuan may lead to social unrest and more serious confrontation. We really don’t know if this ship called “Taiwan” will head towards disintegration.
Work Status
最後,來分享一些好消息!我找到了一份蝦皮無人店的時薪打工機會。雖然薪水不高,而且非常消耗體力,但至少能讓我暫時不用擔心挨餓。從以前的專業人士,到現在的時薪工讀生,因為性別、家庭、社會運動等等因素,我失去了很多工作機會。這就是台灣,一個不鼓勵你為他人爭取權益的地方,老闆會把你視為 troublemaker,所以我只能去做這些勞力工作。
Finally, let me share some good news! I found a part-time job at a unmanned Shopee store. Although the salary is not high and it is very physically demanding, at least it can allow me to temporarily not have to worry about going hungry. From a former professional to a current hourly worker, due to gender, family, social movements, etc., I have lost many job opportunities. This is Taiwan, a place that does not encourage you to fight for the rights of others. Bosses will see you as a troublemaker, so I can only do these manual labor jobs.
Suddenly I remember that a long time ago I had the opportunity to intern as an engineer in Silicon Valley, but I gave it up because I couldn’t let go of the transgender community in Taiwan. Was it all worth it?
Honestly, seeing the development of transgender people now, I would say it’s worth it. But seeing the development of the whole world, I don’t think it’s worth it.
A Ray of Hope
因為新年假期,我一直以來最期待的雲門舞集舞蹈課暫停了一段時間。雖然我每天早上還是會做一些舞蹈動作當作暖身,但沒有上課真的會讓人鬆懈。下週就要恢復上課了,但我只剩下三堂課。如果無法在 3 月 8 日前找到更多收入、存到 16000 元,就只能暫時告別現代舞了。
Because of the New Year holiday, my most anticipated Cloud Gate Dance Class has been suspended for a period of time. Although I still do some dance moves as a warm-up every morning, not having classes really makes people slack off. Classes will resume next week, but I only have three classes left. If I can’t find more income and save 16,000 yuan before March 8th, I can only temporarily say goodbye to modern dance.
Alas, a Shopee part-timer can’t earn that much money, and I’m not a Shopee engineer. (laughs)